Meet Meera Shireen Meyer: Founder of Life.Money.Balance.

We want to know about you! Tell us about your background.

I am a Certified Financial Planner TM and have been working in the field of finance since 2012 (after spending 5 years going from job to job, unsure of what my place was in the world). I started my own business in 2017 and then registered my investment advisory firm in 2020. I am passionate about women being financially savvy because I always assumed the world of finance was too complicated for me and didn't realize how much women in general and society as a whole has been set back by the lack of women participating in the financial/investment world.

Tell us about your business! Give us your 30-second pitch

Money is a complex subject. We learn about money through experiences starting from childhood and carry our money stories with us through life, impacting our decisions at every step. As female entrepreneurs, we have to take what sometimes feels like conflicting advice and use it to create the life + business of our dreams. My business creates a space for female entrepreneurs to learn about finance without worrying about the quality of their questions or the terminology, to learn about investing through a lens of intuition, creativity, and cyclicality - all feminine traits that we don't realize exist in the investing world. I want female entrepreneurs to earn money, grow their wealth, invest for change, and create the future they desire.

What made you decide to start a business? 

I had a 1-year old son and wanted to work less than my 40+ hours/week to spend more time with him, so I took on a contracting position. A few weeks later, they ended my contract without warning. I was devastated and a friend suggested I just try to do my own thing. At first, I thought there was no way I could do it, but I started getting clients, gaining a presence on social media, and am now earning more than my old salary while working 12-18 hours/week.

What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur?

Just keep going. Your business only fails if you stop. Be creative, look for solutions constantly. If something isn't working, that doesn't mean you're not going to be successful - it just means you need to try something different. Success is ALWAYS possible.

What has been the most challenging part of running a business? 

The emotional toll of being an entrepreneur! You don't realize how lonely the journey can be, how much courage is required, how important it is to have confidence, even when it might be easier to fall into negative spiral. Failure is always possible but if you don't quit, success is inevitable.

What about your business makes you most excited? What is your biggest accomplishment to date? 

I'm about to launch a membership and I CAN'T WAIT. I desire to help so many more people than my time currently allows so this membership is the first step in achieving that goal. My biggest accomplishment is creating my RIA (registered investment advisory firm) and surpassing my salary income.

What is a common misconception about your work? 

"My partner takes care of all that, I'm just not good with money." People don't realize 1) how important it is to understand the ins and outs of your finance and 2) "good with money" isn't a thing. People respond to money based on their own experience and beliefs and anxieties. The most anxious people I know have on paper great finances but are constantly worried - that is no way to live. It is possible to have a good relationship with your money!

What podcasts are you listening to? 

The Retrievals has me hooked right now. I love Planet Money and Dead Eyes has been hilarious.

What is your guilty pleasure? 

Crime Junkie podcast!

How can we follow you?

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