Meet Jené Hernandez: Founder of Mixology Marketing

We want to know about you! Tell us about your background.

My journey began in the vibrant world of the arts. Raised by a creative and talented painter, I grew up surrounded by music, dance, theater, and art. In college, I pursued music composition, driven by a desire to combine creativity with strategic thinking. It was during this time that I found myself naturally drawn to promoting the performances of my friends and colleagues.

I eagerly assisted them in designing captivating posters, crafting enticing program descriptions, and generating excitement on social media to boost ticket sales. Just before completing my degree, I had an incredible stroke of luck - a video I created went viral on YouTube. The experience of being interviewed by news outlets and magazines, witnessing millions of views, and hearing my name mentioned on renowned platforms like Good Morning America and People magazine sparked a profound realization.

I had discovered my true passion: the intersection of creativity and strategy. The ability to captivate and excite people, to create content that spreads across the globe - it was all under the umbrella of marketing. From that moment, I dedicated myself to pursuing this exciting path.

Tell us about your business! Give us your 30-second pitch

Imagine combining the timeless storytelling techniques of the 'Mad Men' era with the cutting-edge world of digital media. That's exactly what we do. At Mixology Marketing, we craft bespoke marketing solutions that blend the best of the old and the new, creating a truly irresistible blend that attracts customers like never before. With my extensive experience in industries like cosmetics, retail, non-profit organizations, performing arts, and professional services, I offer a wide range of marketing expertise, supported by a team of of best-in-class designers and innovative thinkers. Get ready to take your brand to new heights with Mixology Marketing, where tradition meets innovation for remarkable results. Cheers to your success!

What made you decide to start a business? 

As I worked as an in-house marketing director for various companies, I noticed a concerning trend in the industry. Marketing seemed to be losing its essence of storytelling and connection. It became dominated by pay-per-click ads and aggressive calls to action, lacking the depth and nuance that truly resonates with people. This realization led me to develop a different philosophy of effective marketing. I believe that marketing should be compelling, thoughtfully crafted, and capable of telling a story that genuinely engages and makes people feel seen. I became passionate about working with businesses that shared this belief and wanted to take a more authentic and meaningful approach to their marketing efforts. Driven by my vision and desire to work with like-minded clients, I made the decision to start my own agency. It was a leap of faith, but I knew it was the right path to follow. Now, I have the freedom to collaborate with businesses that value the power of storytelling and are eager to make a lasting impact through their marketing strategies. Starting my own agency has allowed me to bring my unique philosophy to life and create meaningful connections with both clients and their audiences.

Mixology Marketing Logo

What advice would you give to a new entrepreneur?

New entrepreneurs: Don't be afraid to just take the leap. Sometimes perfectionism can keep us from taking the next step (I know I struggle with that) so stop getting in your own way and go for it.

What has been the most challenging part of running a business? 

One of the most significant challenges I've encountered as a woman CEO is navigating the biases and gender-based hurdles that still persist in the business world. Despite undeniable progress, the U.S. continues to grapple with stigmas and systemic misogyny that affect women in leadership positions. I've found that, at times, I may have missed out on certain opportunities simply because of my gender. It's disheartening to realize that some doors may remain closed or harder to open for women entrepreneurs like myself. In certain situations, I've felt the struggle to be heard and taken seriously, which can be frustrating. However, I believe in the power of perseverance and the need for continued progress. As a woman in business, I'm determined to break through these barriers and pave the way for future generations of women leaders. By challenging stereotypes and advocating for change, I aim to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable business landscape. Despite the challenges, I've also experienced immense support and encouragement from allies and fellow entrepreneurs who believe in equality and diversity. Together, we can create a brighter future where all voices are heard and respected, regardless of gender. While there is undoubtedly a long road ahead, I am committed to playing my part in dismantling the barriers that hinder women's progress in business.

What about your business makes you most excited? What is your biggest accomplishment to date? 

What excites me the most about my business is when I can help clients take the leap on groundbreaking campaigns. There's a unique thrill in guiding them towards innovative marketing strategies that captivate their audiences. It's during these moments that I truly have the most fun in my job. Seeing a client's vision come to life and witnessing the impact it creates is incredibly fulfilling.

As for our biggest accomplishment to date, I take immense pride in the collaboration we had with a client on their licensed product from Universal Studios. Working on the creative direction for a property with such massive worldwide recognition was a truly rewarding experience. It reinforced our ability to tackle high-profile projects and deliver exceptional results that make a real difference for our clients.

These moments of excitement and success remind me why I'm so passionate about marketing and storytelling. They motivate me to continue pushing boundaries and striving for excellence in every aspect of my work.

What is a common misconception about your work? 

A common misconception about our work is that marketing is perceived as "easy" and requires little thought or effort. And recently, there's been talk about AI potentially replacing marketing jobs, but I believe that's not the whole truth. While AI may replace certain marketing tasks, it will never fully replace the essence of great marketing.

In my view, AI might handle repetitive or mundane tasks, like generating blog posts, but it can't replicate the genuine human connection and understanding that a skilled marketer brings to the table. You can have a chat bot generate blogs all day, every day, but that won't matter if none of your customers are interested in reading them. Effective marketing goes beyond automated processes; it requires that extra touch that only real, lived experience can provide.

The best marketers are deeply attuned to the wants and needs of customers at their core. It's through this understanding that we can truly innovate and create marketing strategies that resonate with people on a meaningful level. AI might assist in data analysis, but it can't replace the empathy, creativity, and intuition that fuel exceptional marketing campaigns.

In essence, the most successful marketing is a blend of human insight and strategic use of technology. But it is not "easy" and it cannot be replicated by bots. Embracing AI as a tool to enhance our efforts, rather than a replacement, will be the key to staying ahead in this dynamic industry.

What podcasts are you listening to? 

Oh I have a few! Morning Brew Daily, TBOY, This Week In Startups, Indestructible PR, NPR's Up First, and Brought To You By.

What is your guilty pleasure? 

Watching nerdy shows like Doctor Who.

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